

Rumble Team

Our Rumble team knows what it means to fight, in and outside of the studio. Whatever your battle, we know that you have what it takes to overcome whatever stands in your way. Comfortable doesn't make us stronger; persistence does.

Heavy BAg Classes

Each workout is physically intense. We'll work your legs, core and upper body in each 50-minute heavy bag class. Expect to sweat like you've never sweat before, and smile the whole time.

Fightclub meets nightclub

Just step into the studio for fun, badass experience. When you need to punch out your day or your week, we've got you. When you need to let it all go, we've got you. Get ready to work hard, dig deep, and, most importantly, have fun. Join us now in our Calgary, Vancouver or Toronto studios.


At Rumble, we fight together. We are continuously fighting for a stronger community. We are united, and we are in the fight together!